Webflow Website for chiropractor
To provide a warm first impression
An easy-to-navigate website helping a local chiropractor reach over 40,000 monthly visitors.

TruCentered is a chiropractor in the Annapolis, Maryland (USA) and while they had an initial website, the owner felt that they had very little presence on the web which was impacting their client booking sales.
His request was simple yet spot on as a local business: to help build a functional website that gets traffic.
It was my job to help them:
- Redesign the website
- Develop the website using Webflow
- Implement proper on-page SEO strategies
- Provide guidance on how to further extend his SEO impact through content creation and backlinks
Chiropractors have a very intimate job and so new patients need a sense of "safety and comfort" when choosing their doctor.
And so I felt that we could achieve this by making the website give a sense of joy as well as offering a lot of knowledge around his core patients.
Their website consisted of:
- Creating unique pages for his main client segments
- Developing a lead generator and blog to help educator people on important body matters
- Developing a Webflow website that he could easily manage
- Implementing proper SEO practices to his website as well as assisting with setting up with Google My Business page for added backlink value
By aiming for "safety and comfort" we ended up restructuring a more joyous website with photos that better portrayed his audience and his upbeat energy
And the website traffic results are great:
- 40k monthly impression which is huge for a local business
- 60% increase on keywords that the website is being picked up for
- Ranking #1 in topic chiropractor topics which is building his impact beyond his local area (opening for partnerships and new revenue streams)

"Mike is responsive, communicative, and trustworthy. And he's my former roomie ;-)"